Together, we have a voice.
Healthcare Professionals at Penn Medicine at Home United
The therapists, social workers, and nurses at PMAH have a mission: to provide the highest quality of care to our patients by ensuring staff have a say in the decisions that matter to us.
We are part of an organizing committee of Penn Medicine at Home Clinicians who, together with our colleagues across all teams, are committed to creating a better working environment to ensure the well-being of all Penn Medicine at Home employees and the patients we serve in the local community and to advancing and improving patient care and professional practices and working conditions in the home healthcare environment.
As Penn Medicine at Home employees we believe:
In advocating for and protecting the interests of all PMAH healthcare workers and our profession as a whole and
Prioritizing patients and promoting quality care for all
Hiring practices and advancement opportunities must be transparent and working conditions must be improved in order to continue to hire and retain qualified competent staff
Safety and well-being of staff is a right not an option.
All healthcare workers must be treated with the professional respect and dignity they have earned, including high standards for pay, benefits, training, and staffing, and the freedom to unite in a union without interference.
Workers must have a strong voice in the workplace and be full partners with management in determining the best way to deliver quality care.
The strength of Penn Medicine at Home Union comes from our strength in numbers and what effort we put into it. As employers continue to require more from healthcare workers, in order to be successful in winning favorable conditions for ourselves and our patients, we as home healthcare workers have to be strong and united.
Join us and sign on to have a seat at the table and a say in the issues we care about most.
A wave of union organizing is happening across Penn.
From librarians and grad students to home care and doctors, more and more Penn employees are coming together to form unions and making a real difference in their lives and the lives of their patients and students. Management may try to convince us that organizing is futile, but we don’t have to look far for real-life examples of what we can accomplish when we stand together.
Here’s what Home Health Clinicians in Boston have been able to achieve in negotiations.
Staffing and productivity:
Acuity based productivity standards and dedicated resource nurse for every team.
Safety: Zero tolerance policy for workplace violence
Basic Security Measures
Reasonable security measures shall be provided and may be subject to grievance and arbitration
Information & Awareness
In the event a nurse identifies a security issue in a census tract management will inform all staff before additional assignments are made in that census tract.
Security Committee
Three (3) union members and three (3) management members, who shall meet to discuss, review and monitor the security measures maintained by the Agency
Escort Services
The Agency will provide Escort Service to those nurses who request it. Nurses may refuse a patient if they feel unsafe.
Real, transparent wage scales with steps for years of experience and higher rates for specialties!
See full Boston VNA contracts:
Learn more about forming a union at PMAH
Not ready to sign on today? Get in touch with an organizer to learn more about how we can reset the dynamic at PMAH!