Our Plan to Win - The Organizing Process
Our Plan to Win - The Organizing Process
Once PMAH clinicians began talking to each other about our experiences at work, we began to realize that there were many things that could be improved if we, the dedicated staff, had a say in the decision-making process.
Forming a union is a collective decision, one that we will all make together. That’s why we are building towards a supermajority of support for our union, so that we can win a real seat at the table and have influence over the decisions and policies that affect us and our patients.
Clinicians are signing cards/petition to show our support for forming our union.
Once we have built to a supermajority of support for our union, we will request that Penn recognize our union and begin the bargaining process.
If Penn declines to voluntarily recognize our union, then we will file for an election with the National Labor Relations Board.
The Labor Board will hold an election within 30 days of us filing. Once we have a date for an election, we will need to make sure everyone on board turns out and VOTES YES!
Once we win our election, Penn will be obligated to meet us at the bargaining table. Together across all teams and disciplines, we will work to build a contract that address the issues we care about most, just like the Penn interns and residents have already won!